
A series of blog posts to delve into the inner mind of an Artist.

megan Hatton megan Hatton

Embracing Slow Living in a Fast-Paced World

Embracing slow living into your fast-paced life. As an artist and slow living advocate I have given a few examples of how to incorporate moments of calm into your busy life. It doesn’t have to mean quitting the job, but instead working with the routine you already have to enjoy some mindful moments.

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megan Hatton megan Hatton

Cultivating Calmness in Your Life

As an Artist and Yoga Teacher, I’ve outlined a few ways in which you can also create calmness into your daily life. I understand what it’s like working a busy job and feeling like you have no time for yourself in the week. Carving out time for yourself in a morning before the day starts is a great way for the body and mind to be in a good place for you to take on your day.

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