A Commissioned Painting
Commissioned paintings are something very special and I love creating paintings to specifically to suit not only your home but also capture your own personality within them.
I understand just how hard it is to decide on a custom painting, you’re also putting a lot of trust into me as an artist so I like to keep the process as simple as possible. We’ll start off with an initial discussion to decide what you’re after and then I’ll start to bring it to life on canvas. I can keep you updated throughout the whole process or only send photos at the end.
With a commissioned piece, we can make anything happen. Whether you fancy vibrant colors or serene landscapes, it's your call. Your space, your style. I also like to keep commissioned paintings just as affordable as my available to buy paintings. I believe art should be affordable whilst maintaining quality and integrity.
You can also commission any size painting, I can order bespoke made to fit any space .
If this sounds like something you’re after drop me a message and we can get the conversation started. The wait time is approximately 10 weeks and a 50% deposit is required before painting starts.